According to the estimates, counties in central Utah showed some of the slower growth rates in Utah. However, Piute County proved the only area sporting a contracting population (down 0.6 percent). Sanpete County showed the most rapid growth with a 2013 increase of 0.8 percent – half of the statewide rate of 1.6 percent. Millard and Sevier counties fell right in line with population gains of 0.7 and 0.6 percent respectively. Wayne County’s population edged up by 0.4 percent.
Millard and Piute counties both experienced net out-migration, while the remaining counties showed very low levels of positive net migration. In other words, in growing counties, expansion can be attributed primarily to natural increase — the positive difference between births and deaths. Rates of natural increase (natural increase per 1,000 population) appeared highest in Millard and Sanpete counties. Piute County, with its high share of seniors, showed the lowest rate of natural increases— only 1.3 per 1,000 population.
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