Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Richfield High School replacement project starting

Voters approved a bond for $46 million in June for a slate of capital improvement projects for schools across Sevier County — the largest of which is the replacement of Richfield High School.

The plan is to replace RHS in phases at its current location. The first signs of construction of the new high school are scheduled to begin in September as new tennis courts are built. The final design is not complete, but many details have been hammered out including the decision to build two stories. Most of the current buildings on the campus are going to be removed and replaced by June of 2016 in two primary phases. The first phase, some 80,000 square feet, is scheduled to be finished by the summer of 2015. Richfield Reaper

Note: Roughly 31 percent of Sevier County’s population is under 18—comparable to the under-18 year-olds share in Utah—the youngest state in the nation.