Monday, December 23, 2019

Sanpete County Water projects funded

Two small towns have started construction on big culinary water projects. Both Sterling and Mayfield are redeveloping their culinary springs with funding from Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants (ECWAG).

Sterling is redeveloping two springs, replacing a pipeline between the springs and burying a pipe that carries water from both springs to the town water tank. The total project cost is $900,000. ECWAG is covering $828,000. The town got a Community Development Block Grant for $42,000 and put up $30,000 of its own money.

Mayfield is working on five springs, two near the mouth of 12-Mile Canyon, two about a mile up the canyon and one in a side canyon called South Hollow. The total projected cost of the Mayfield work is $720,000. The town got a planning grant for $13,500 from the Utah Division of Drinking Water and $700,000 from ECWAG. The town itself is covering the rest. Sanpete Messenger