Monday, December 23, 2019

Pitman Farms rejects workers demand for higher wages

Scores of American Samoan migrant workers who originally came to the mainland for job opportunities at the Pitman Farms turkey processing plant went on a labor strike. The workers-on-strike, which numbered nearly 50 during the demonstration, submitted a petition with written signatures, which entailed the reasons for their strike and what changes they wanted from Pitman Family Farms in order to go back to work.

The workers specified the wage increase they wanted: A boost from $10.50 to $15 per hour. Lynne Roux, HR Manager for Pitman Farms’ Moroni operation, was on hand during the strike trying to convince the workers to return to their stations. “This is not the way to do it,” Roux told the Messenger. “We do not take lightly to strikes. We are happy to have a one on one conversation with each of them about their grievances, but if they’re not willing to come back to work today, we will take it as a voluntary resignation.” Sanpete Messenger